How to make your school safer

outside a school building

It is essential that schools are a safe and secure place where staff and pupils alike are completely protected from harm. From installing secure entrance solutions, to ensuring that both the inside and outside of the premises are equipped with CCTV cameras, there are various steps you can take to make your school safer. 

Secure entrances

Here at Etron, we’ve helped a host of businesses in the education sector equip their premises with secure entrance solutions, both of the manual and automatic variety. Whether you’re looking to invest in robust automatic door systems that comply with safety legislations, catering to environments with a higher footfall, to gates and barriers for your parking facilities, 24/7 protection is guaranteed with every installation – when paired with other security measures. 

Exterior lighting

Not only will installing security lighting (both internally and externally) enhance the safety of your premises so that people on foot, and particularly those driving vehicles, can see where they’re going, it’s also an efficient way to make your school safer. It will put any trespassers in clear view, with motion activated sensors detecting when someone approaches the area. This will automatically make the school a less desirable target. 

Lock unoccupied areas 

Ensure that entrances are securely locked at the end of the day, or rely on a self-locking closing mechanism for optimal protection. This is particularly important for areas that house sensitive information, by making sure that no unauthorised individuals are able to break-in. Have someone patrol the school at the end of the day to make sure that all possible entrances are securely locked – whether that be doors or windows. 

Visitor management

Visitor management is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of your school, so keep tabs on anyone who enters or exits the building. Staff and contract labourers will need to be verified before being granted access, you’ll be able to restrict their “stay” times, and you’ll be able to perform DBS checks on relevant individuals. 

Cyber security 

Cyber security is also important to bear in mind, so ensure that training sessions are provided – if necessary – on how to safely use technology. Pupils and staff alike should be aware of cyber attack signs, alongside knowing what not to do whilst it’s in operation – such as which sites to avoid. This prevents any sensitive files from being accessed, as well as making sure that expensive equipment won’t become damaged. 

Security guards 

Keep eyes on your premises at all times by employing security guards. In an emergency, they’ll be able to react quickly in potentially threatening situations, ensuring that your school remains protected. 

Refine emergency procedures 

Do your staff and pupils know how to react in emergency situations? It’s essential that drills are carried out in order to refine procedures, whether that be a fire drill or knowing what to do if a trespasser makes their way onto the premises. These procedures will need to be adapted every so often, especially if your school undergoes any substantial changes. 


Similar to security guards, installing CCTV in your school will ensure complete protection – using high-tech video analytics to keep watch over the building. Set them up in areas that are particularly high-risk, perhaps looking out onto a car park or an entrance, ensuring that nothing is obstructing their view. In the event that your school is broken into, the police will be able to use the footage as evidence, increasing the chances of them being able to solve a crime quicker. 

Access control 

As highlighted in one of our previous blog posts, which covers the different types of access control, access control is crucial for securing your school. These advanced systems will keep buildings safe by limiting physical access to certain areas through the use of biometric scans, key cards, secure usernames and passwords for technology, to name a few. Not only will this prevent trespassers from entering, you’ll also be protected against internal threats, controlling which members of staff will be permitted access. 

Install an alarm system 

Equip your school with an alarm system, which will sound if someone does try to access the building – triggering the motion sensors. The shrill tone will cause the crook to flee, as well as alerting all those nearby to the scene, preventing them from journeying further through the school. 

Whether you’re in the educational sector or otherwise, our members of staff are on hand to ensure that you get the best, secure entrance solutions for your premises. Get in touch with us today to find out more. 

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