The best ways to optimise operational efficiency

What is operational efficiency?

So, before we get into the nitty gritty of the best ways to optimise your business’s operational efficiency, what does the phrase actually mean? It’s all about how effectively a business is able to deliver top quality service with fewer resources, enhancing the opportunity to generate profit using these same processes and resources. 

The ability to evaluate the bigger picture is essential for reflecting on operational efficiency, as business owners shouldn’t just examine their organisation’s inner workings. It’s also important to consider the external effect – evaluating the impact that current operations have on clients and consumers. 

Although the steps needed to achieve an operationally efficient business will take time, if you have the desire and commitment to learn, review and adapt, you’ll be on the road to success in no time.

What are the best ways to optimise operational efficiency? 

Evaluate current operational efficiency

Reflecting on your business’s current operational efficiency is the first step to working towards enhanced processes. After carrying out a thorough audit, which areas are your business currently lacking in? Is money being lost in a certain area? Have any projects been delayed? Communicate with members of staff to confirm whether they’re receiving full support, as they will often be the ones who are directly impacted by unstructured processes. Happy workers are 13% more productive, so if mood is at an all-time low, you’re unlikely to see much operational improvement. 

Entrance automation

One of the best ways to optimise operational efficiency in the workplace is through entrance automation. Not only will automatic doors contribute to improving business sustainability by minimising heat transmission, air infiltration and air leakage, they’re an energy-efficient and cost-effective solution. 

They’ll also enhance your workplace’s security, ensuring that your staff, customers, equipment and sensitive information remains safe at all times. During times where they are in operation, an automatic door system will accommodate for higher volumes of traffic – allowing for a steady flow of customers and staff to move from point A to B with minimal disruption. 

Assess your equipment

Do your employees have the necessary tools to complete the tasks at hand? Not only is guaranteeing safe machinery operation essential for protecting the wellbeing of your staff, equipment that doesn’t perform to its full potential will limit operational efficiency. Any unusual changes to your equipment must be reported immediately to avoid a potential health and safety hazard.

Where your entry systems are concerned, Etron offers a 24/7 maintenance service to provide help to businesses who need it, be it day or night. Offering full repairs and replacements, we’ll ensure that issues are fixed with minimal disruption to your business. 

Regular staff training

Communication is key when it comes to optimising operational efficiency. New and long-term employees alike should be provided with regular staff training – this could be surrounding how to safely operate pieces of equipment, how to deliver excellent customer service, what to do in the event of an emergency, and so on. After the devastating statistic was revealed – that over 200 people are killed each year in accidents at work, with over one million getting injured – it’s paramount that business owners do all they can to make their workplace as safe as possible through regular training. 

Customer service

Customers can make or break a business, so make sure that you’re doing everything you can to deliver top quality customer service. By taking the necessary steps to reduce internal backlogs,  minimise interruptions, ensure vendor compliance – all whilst collecting customer feedback – you’ll be able to implement smooth, gradual change. 

Competitor analysis

In order for your business to stay on top, you’ll need to keep a beady eye on your competitors to evaluate what it is they’re doing well, whether they’ve made any successful deployments, and how you could use this information to improve your own business. You could also seek help from your vendors and suppliers to see whether they’d like to see improvements made in certain areas. 

Review and adapt

Now that you’ve assessed each area of your business, and you’ve been able to pinpoint areas that are in need of improvement, you can start adapting your current processes. It’s important to remember that change is a gradual process, and success won’t be achieved overnight. You’ll need to consistently review and adapt the ways that your business works, documenting any changes made throughout your journey, and communicating these to members of staff as and when they’re implemented. 

If you’re looking to optimise your business’s operational efficiency, Etron is here to help. From ensuring that your staff and customers are kept safe and secure, to providing an easy solution for smooth access to your building, we have a range of both manual and automated doors available to best suit your needs – regardless of the sector. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

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